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Nicholas Beaudrot

"They’re still protected, because the."

I feel like the end of this sentence is somewhat crucial.


Quote: "They’re still protected, because the."

I feel like the end of this sentence is somewhat crucial.


I don't think the end of the sentence is missing. I believe it's just a typo that split off the end. It should probably read this way:

They’re still protected because, as the AMT expands, it will expand this differential, and those who get their income from work will be affected while those who get more of it from investments will not.

Matt Weiner

I'm with Nicholas -- on Zeno's reconstruction, it looks like the "because" is backwards (that is, it's because they're still protected that the AMT will expand the differential, not the other way around).

Matt Weiner

Ah, corrected version at TPMCafe (http://www.tpmcafe.com/node/30398).

Brandon Berg

"In the years ahead, there will be no alternative except to face up to the need to raise taxes and make the choices about the fairest way to do that."

That's simply not true. The alternative is to cut spending, and we really don't even have to do that. We could just hold spending constant in real per-capita terms, which is what happened during the '90s, when it worked out pretty well. And even that's not absolutely necessary--as long as spending growth is less than GDP growth, we can eliminate the deficit and eventually retire the debt without ever raising taxes.

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