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As either Jesse of pandagon or Ezra of ex-pandagon has pointed out, this is the sort of thing where the internets [sic] is not much better and sometimes worse at producing information than something akin to an almanac. The statistically-inclined front office of the Oakland A's monitors most of their targeted minor league personnel with big fat dead-tree books of stats.


Wow, nice to know. I've built up an almost identical undeserved reputation for being knowledgeable about telecom networking issues based on having a copy of Newton's Telecom Dictionary: http://www.harrynewton.com/

Simply a very informative book, and not just on tech issues either. It's funny to boot. Sample definition:

The last refuge of the vaguely talented.


This is a page with links to lots of statistics sources on the Society of American Business Editors & Writers:

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