If you were the Bush entourage, securely back home after a nicely scripted European trip, confident that you won't have to pretend to like Jacques Chirac or any other people who speak foreign languages for a long time, what would be a good way to quickly send the signal that all that stuff about cooperation, consultation, multilateralism was about as serious as, oh, "humility" in foreign policy or "uniter not a divider"?
Hmm, this requires some real creativity. A devious, twisted mind. Can't invade another country -- no troops left. Don't want to bother Congress, too much trouble up there already. Apparently a lot of them didn't have such a pleasant vacation last week, since dealing with pissed-off seniors is a little harder than getting garcon to bring extra ketchup for your fois gras.
"I've got it," says the quiet guy with the most devious imagination of all: "We've got that vacancy at the World Bank. Let's put Paul Wolfowitz in there. Make the world come begging to him for their precious money."
It's kind of brilliant, in its way. And I didn't make it up.
For whatever it's worth, the official World Bank President rumor clearinghouse (http://www.worldbankpresident.org) has nothing on the Wolfowitz rumors.
And yes, I think this proves that there truly is a blog about everything.
I thought that the "abolish all laws" provision of the DHS bill was the last time I would say "that's it. there's nothing the Bush administration can do to shock me" but I think Wolfowitz as World Bank President would come close.
Posted by: niq | 02/28/2005 at 11:22 PM
Well, well.
Never a dull moment.
Posted by: Movie Guy | 03/01/2005 at 01:06 AM
Didn't Johnson put McNamara on the World Bank?
It appears that that's the next spot for "guy who got us into unwinnable wars".
Perfect symmetry
Posted by: fasteddie | 03/01/2005 at 08:21 AM
I know you won't believe me, but I have it on the QT that Bush has an undeclared (but perfectly justifiable) policy only to have Americans whose last names begin with "Wolf" serve as head of the World Bank. It's no big deal. No offense to Europe intended. Just sort of an intimidation thing--kind of like having a collection agent who goes by the str3etname "Ice Pick." A puny little country like Gambia's not even going to think about cheating a guy named "Wolf_____."
Posted by: TD | 03/01/2005 at 09:26 AM
Wow. Didn't see that one coming.
Who'd replace Wolfowitz at the Pentagon, I wonder?
Think of it from Wolfo's point of view; wouldn't you want to get the hell out from under Rumsfeld after four years?
Posted by: Nell Lancaster | 03/01/2005 at 10:26 AM
Nah. Wolfie's just looking for a post that comes with diplomatic immunity. The Europeans will understand; they invented it.
Posted by: Ellen1910 | 03/01/2005 at 11:36 AM
Or cancel Condi's trip to Canada when it refuses to play by our rules.
Posted by: judy | 03/01/2005 at 03:18 PM
I do believe that to be the jest of the season, my good sir! Why, what's that you say? 'Tis true? Oh, 'tis all the more jolly! To think that the world could turn thus!
By the way, it's "foie gras".
Posted by: Cryptic Ned | 03/01/2005 at 05:12 PM
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