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Maybe the Post has Cheney write their headlines.


If they went with your headline, the Post wouldn't get invited to the next splendid little war. Bad for business...


I watched last night's debate and thought it was a tie at best. I was a little discouraged, but realized that Cheney is no Bush.

Then, however, after seeing all the fact checking come in on Cheney's statements, it looked like another bad night for the Republicans.

Did Cheney think that no one would check the accuracy of what he was saying? Especially, his signature line of the night about not ever having met Edwards?

I think the Bushies have run out of gas. The train is off the tracks. They can't stop lying and lying and lying.


On one hand, this problem of equating the level of dishonesty of two individuals which in reality differs completely is one of the biggest problems with modern journalism. It feeds into all the cynicism in America about politics and allows journalists to avoid making difficult calls.

On the other hand, journalists treatment of Al Gore suggests that they really have very little trouble accusing one politician of lying more than another politician, even if it isn't so...

Journalism suffers from much more than simple, "on the one hand, but on the other hand" type articles. Since the mid-90s the media has given the Democrats worse treatment than the Republicans. I have no idea WHY this is the case, but it IS, and I think we need to address that head on.

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