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Great point. I've always thought that the role Dean set out to play in the campaign was more of a Bruce Babbitt one, but the one he ended up being thrust into was Ross Perot.

Now, neither Babbitt nor Perot became President. But which way would you rather lose?


Thanks Mark,

I think talking about Wellstone also puts a lot of this crap in more perspective. I also appreciate that you're not gratuitously piling on Dean like the vultures out there.

Wellstone's speech before the first Gulf War was one of the finest I've seen.

"But I do think part of what happened to Dean was that he stepped into a role -- the rally speaker, the community organizer -- for which he was not all that well suited."

As Dean said last night on primetime live, what he meant by not being himself was playing the part of the rockstar that night. I think that's the funny thing about this...I think he feels bad because he knows he wasn't being himself in trying to hype up the crowd. It is a shame, though, that one moment can be blown so out of proportion.

Despite the limited time he still might be able to pull a decent showing in NH. I think given another week I have no doubt that Dean could turn this around...at his core his plain speaking, fiscal conservative message would resonate strongly in NH.

He also said that his family was more important than being President...I wonder if anyone who really lives like that can actually become President.

Jim J

I tend to fall in line with many, if not all, Wellstone/Dean political beliefs. But I must disagree with your post on both these examples.

I watched both of the seminal events you refer to live on TV, the Wellstone memorial and the Dean speech. My visceral reaction to both was extreme embarrassment for the participants and their obvious lack of good judgement.

I remember the Wellstone son, face twisted, screaming at the top of his lungs, "We will win! WE WILL WIN!!!"

That, my friends, was not a loving phrase in memoriam of a departed father and statesman; it was in fact a politically partisan statement specifically referring to the upcoming election. In short, the GOP in this instance was correct.

The Dean speech in and of itself wasn't that bad, BUT it showed horrendously poor judgement for one who wants to be president. He should have moderated his behavior knowing the TV cameras were on him; he didn't.

Lack of judgement is the reason Dean's speech was so fatal to his campaign and the reason Mondale lost to Coleman.

Mark Wallace

Dean may have stepped into a role for which he was not all that well suited, but he played that role fairly well, it seems to me, and to good effect with the audience. It would be a shame if he now reneged in favor of the more cerebral brand of politicking that his own campaign and his Democratic rivals are pushing him into -- but that seems to be exactly what's happening. The Republicans pick up a lot of voters by going for the gut rather than for the brain. Dean looked to be going for both organs, which was refreshing.

...Wellstone gets a mention in Marc Singer's profile of Dean in the 12 January New Yorker, in which he points out that in a speech before the DNC last February, Dean lifted a line from Wellstone: "I'm Howard Dean and I'm here to represent the *Democratic* wing of the Democratic party."

Sounds good to me.

Jeff L.

I think you might be underestimating the difficulties of translating the skills that Wellstone had -- admittedly, greater than Dean's -- into a national campaign. In fact, when I went to see Dean speak in Minnesota last spring, he showed the same ability to strike the right tone and connect with people that Wellstone had. Again, no one can match Wellstone's ability - and in fact I think that had he not had health problems, he would have seriously considered running for president. But I think Dean's running commentary on his own campaign -- talking about connecting with people and so on -- was directed almost entirely at the media. It was a perhaps lame effort to shape the stories written about him; it was not a substitute for actually connecting with people, and I don't think it came naturally to him.

Jim J.,
I agree with you that both (some of) the participants in the Wellstone memorial and Dean the other night showed a real lack of good judgment. But you buy into the cliche expectations of what the memorial was supposed to be, and what appropriate expressions of grief are, when you pejoratively describe Wellstone's son's appearance and criticize what he said. The GOP of course exploited those cliche expectations to the hilt. But are you really in a better position to decide what an appropriate way of honoring Wellstone was than his son? Again, the right tone was not struck that night -- after all, Wellstone's son is neither a politician, nor an accustomed public speaker. But as far as I could tell, politics were woven deeply into Wellstone's life, as well as his family's, and that was reflected in his son's tribute to his father. Your preference for "a loving phrase in memoriam of a departed father and statesman" sounds like a bunch of purple, phony prose completely at odds with who Wellstone was.


in re, "[l]ack of judgement is the reason.. Mondale lost to Coleman," practitioners here in Minnesota disagree. they'll tell you that the memorial was generally well-received by actual voters despite the editorials. tracking polls tacked a bit onto Mondale's numbers immediately afterwards. only when Jesse Ventura appointed a non-Democrat to Wellstone's vacant seat did the polls turn. the canonical interpretation is that enough Ventura supporters reacted to his vote-of-no-confidence to swing a close race Coleman's way.


yikes, mark. that's just plain eloquent.

dean, at the moment seems kinda tragic.

he's so right and so "wrong" at the same time.

and wellstone's dead, snuffed out just when he could have been a flowering blossom during these bleak bush days.

i still hold out hope for dean.

he has a role to play, although it probably won't be 2004 POTUS.

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