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Woodward is Woodward

I"m not sure I have an opinion on Bob Woodward"s culpability for keeping silent about the fact that he"d been a target of the Valerie Plame leak well before other reporters. While courts at all levels concluded that Matt Cooper and Judith Miller were required to testify, nothing would have required them or Woodward to rush forward unbidden. Woodward"s worst offense was joining in the Victoria Toensing/Joe DiGenova chorus of "there"s no crime here," which is only a little more shameful than it already was, now that we know what he knew.

Much more interesting are the obvious strains in his "odd relationship" with his Post colleagues, especially Walter Pincus. I should say that I know nothing about what goes on in the Post newsroom. But for as long as I've been reading the Washington Post regularly, I've found it sort of ironic that the paper has some of the most amazing investigative reporters in history, reporters who really earn that overused modifier. Pincus and now retired George Lardner are the best examples, but Morton Mintz was another and in the younger generation, probably Dana Priest is a fourth. All are the kind of reporters who understand how to break open a federal agency, nurture an unhappy bureaucrat with a story to tell until he's ready to tell it, or read through 10,000 pages of public records to find the connections between two events. And none of them are or were all that well known.

Meanwhile the paper also had someone who was probably the embodiment of the term "investigative reporter" to a generation, but who is actually not that at all. Woodward instead is a stenographer of the narratives of the people at the very highest levels of power, recording their semi-official versions of history. Not that there's anything wrong with that; it's just a different activity. Even Deep Throat turns out to be not a White House underling shocked at what he's witnessing but basically a rival center of power in Washington at the time, the post-Hoover FBI. I've always wondered if that caused a little tension at the paper. (When I say "stenographer," echoing Maureen Dowd's criticism of Judith Miller, I don't mean to associate Woodward with Miller, whose "entanglement" with sources and her role in the story, makes her something other than a journalist.)

I was glad to see that Greg Anrig linked to an old Joan Didion essay about most of Woodward's books. To my mind the most interesting and revealing of those books is the most unlikely: Wired, his out of print 1984 biography of John Belushi. Wired is almost like a French experimental novel of the 60s, like the novel whose name and author I forget right now that is written entirely without the letter "e": It is a book about humor written entirely from the perspective of a person without any sense of humor or irony. It's years since I read it, but I vividly remember the flat earnestness with which Woodward recounts the "Bees" segment from the early Saturday Night Live, and Belushi's dislike of it, the same tone he would later bring to Colin Powell's march to war. He has no idea why people would dress up as bees, laugh at people dressed as bees, or that there are motives and paradoxes underneath the surface. Woodward's mind has a total literalness to it -- as Anrig says, he believes that "what's really going on" is exactly the same as what his sources tell him. That's wired in, not something he can do anything about, and so I've always been a little sympathetic to Woodward. (And before anyone says "Asperger's," let me just say my name's not Bill Frist and I don't do remote medical diagnosis.) And you can get something out of his reporting, if you bring your own sense of irony and skepticism.

p.s.: The book I was thinking of is "Le Disparition," by Georges Perec, which I cannot claim to have read either in French or in its English translation. From Google and Wikipedia, I learn that such texts are called "lipograms" and that "writing this way is impractical." Indeed.

Posted by Mark Schmitt on November 17, 2005 | Permalink


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I think you're thinking georges perec (the novelist) and i believe the novel is life: a user's manual

Posted by: kevin thurston | Nov 17, 2005 12:32:18 PM

oops, with my inpatience, i was half-right, but all-wrong in jumping the gun

Posted by: kevin thurston | Nov 17, 2005 12:33:45 PM

I have a collection of sonnets in Italian written using single vowels. They, like _La Disparition_, tend to be a bit blurty, like Bush pere ate a dictionary printed on acid paper.

Posted by: rilkefan | Nov 17, 2005 2:02:35 PM

The e-mail word a day service that Anu Garg publishes dealt with this subject last month: http://wordsmith.org/words/lipogram.html. It mentions a sequel that used only the vowel "e."

And, by the way, it's La not Le Disparation; the reason (apart from that rule of French grammar that abstractions of this sort should be feminine, or so I recall from not learning French forty years ago) should be obvious.

Posted by: Henry | Nov 17, 2005 4:29:13 PM

Watergate was about rival power centers, but also perhaps about domestic surveillance. The main contentious issue might just have been Nixon's COINTELPRO agenda. As I read between the lines, that seems like a possibility, and it's certainly a timely one.

I really like your take on Woodward and might just have to buy it.

Posted by: MT | Nov 17, 2005 4:47:44 PM

Capitalism Poses A Direct and Immediate Danger to All Life on Earth!
The Runaway Greenhouse Effect Has Already Begun!

Prior to the analysis of Social Security and other issues and in order to put the threat to Social Security in context as part of the economic war directed by the capitalist dictatorship against the masses, it is imperative that we briefly document an even greater threat. The Runaway Greenhouse Effect has already begun. This is no joke and is not something which might occur in the distant future. It is no longer simply Global Warming that we have to contend with but the beginning of the Runaway Greenhouse Effect. Professional climatologists risk losing their jobs if they reveal the rapidly approaching reality. The vast majority of them must lie to keep their jobs! Nevertheless, according to the latest published results in the British Guardian, which were just blipped in the media, for the last 3 years the CO2 level for the first time has begun to rise in an accelerated fashion indicating that a Runaway Greenhouse Effect has already begun. Ethical and Honest (bucking the trend!) scientists, at Hawaii’s Mauna Loa Observatory reported that average CO2 levels increased by 2.08 ppm in 2002, to 373.1 ppm, and by 2.54 ppm in 2003, to an average of 375.64 ppm. This is the first recorded example of the average CO2 level jumping more than 2 ppm in two consecutive years. See: British Guardian, Oct 11, 2004. It became three consecutive years in 2005 when the Associated Press reported on March 20th that scientists at Mauna Loa Observatory had recorded the atmospheric CO2 level peaked at a record of 379 ppm! The apparent significance of this newly observed increase in atmospheric CO2 levels is that the CO2 reservoirs, namely the rain forests and oceans, are now exhausted and from this point on the atmospheric CO2 level will start to increase in an exponential fashion.

U.S.-led world capitalism-imperialism is controlled by the oil industry and the military industrial complex and cannot reform itself. Real reform would include: 1.) Beginning to introduce alternative energy sources like Tidal Power and certain large hydroelectric sources such as the world’s largest waterfalls and on a large scale to the degree where fossil fuels no longer supply the majority of the power for residential and business needs and the world’s dependency on fossil fuels actually ends and 2.) Ending completely the deforestation and destruction of the rainforests which trap much of the Earth’s CO2 in vegetation and planting new forests. China, a Workers’ State, based on human need not private profit, has led the world and reversed Asia’s net loss of 3000 square miles a year of forests from the 1990’2 to a net gain of 4000 square miles since 2000. But the capitalists can do nothing to reverse the situation. This is because of the internal dynamic of capitalism, which is independent of the wills of the individual capitalists and politicians which make it up. They are powerless. The system controls the capitalists; the capitalists do not control the system. Capitalism generates the scum and the scoundrels such as Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, the Clintons, Bloomberg, Ferrer, etc. Capitalism cannot be reformed through elections or in any other way. In fact today the word “reform” is simply a nebulous sounding codeword, like Gorbachev’s “Perestroika,” generally used by the capitalists with the understood meaning an attack on the working class, middle-income earners and the poor. So-called “Social Security Reform” is just one example. It is absolutely vital that we establish a new economic-political-social system based on human need not private profit. That system is Socialism and it cannot be “elected” under capitalism. That can only come about through Socialist Revolution. Today the main topic of conversation among progressive people must be the technical means of achieving a Socialist Revolution in the United States. See below.

Capitalism Cannot Reverse Fossil Fuels Global Warming nor
The Runaway Greenhouse Effect Which Has Now Begun!

The most important potential alternative power is tidal power from the oceans and hydroelectric power from huge waterfalls such as the Kaiture Falls in Guyana with a total drop of 822 feet (5 times the drop of Niagara Falls) and Victoria Falls in Africa. The Niagara Falls Region is the largest producer of hydro-electric power in the world. Half of the flow of the St. Lawrence River is diverted by Canada and the U.S. for hydroelectric power, to complaints from those who might prefer to see nuclear power plants (!) or no plants at all—the reactionary anti-technology movement. While there has been some hydroelectric power development of Victoria Falls by Zambia the oil industry has suppressed hydroelectric power development of Kaieture Falls. Instead of development of such alternative sources of energy the capitalists are calling for more fossil fuel development and pushing nuclear power once again which permanently pollutes the environment. The so-called “environmental groups” such as the Greens and Greenpeace, etc., which are part of the group of government-controlled fake “opposition” single-issue groups are also suppressing this information. Nevertheless, a few tidal power plants already exist in England, France, the former USSR and China. More must be built rapidly in all countries in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres which have tides. The Kaiture Falls alone has been estimated to be able to produce enough energy to supply all industrial and residential needs of North America and South America combined! And Victoria Falls in Africa is the largest waterfalls in the world! Both are completely ignored by the capitalists because of the threat to the oil industry. The Runaway Greenhouse Effect has already occurred on Venus where all the CO2 is found in the 932 degree Fahrenheit (500 degrees Centigrade) atmosphere. The water in the oceans of Venus all evaporated because of the heat generated by 30% more sunlight Venus receives than on Earth. Once in the upper atmosphere ultraviolet radiation broke the H20 apart into hydrogen, which disappeared into space and oxygen which reacted with minerals on the surface and disappeared from the atmosphere. But Venus, which lost all the water from its oceans, which were nearly the size of the oceans on Earth, and where life did not evolve with the consequence that there was no plant life, was unable to absorb the gradual build-up of CO2 from volcanos, which eventually formed the thick CO2 atmosphere which exists on Venus. On Earth the source of the CO2 is obviously the fossil fuels. Without a Socialist Revolution here in the United States that is the future of the Earth.

Runaway Greenhouse Effect means just what it says! Feedbacks have already begun to kick in which constantly accelerate it. For example, because the Polar Ice Cap has virtually all melted there is a lot less white ice which used to reflect the sun’s rays back into space.The ocean water which has taken the place of the polar ice is much darker and absorbs much more heat from the sun, according to recent front page reports in the New York Times. French TV News recently reported scientists’ observation that the droughts, which have occurred during the summer months for the last several years have substantially decreased the amount of vegetation in France and Europe. Vegetation binds CO2 and removes it from the atmosphere. But the capitalists simply lie about the extent of the disaster or deny it and pretend to go through the motions of dealing with it, because capitalism simply cannot deal with it. Articles are written expressly to disavow the truth and to keep the masses confused. For example, an article in the New York Times, Nov 2, 2005 entitled: “Climate Study Warns of Warming and Losses of Arctic Tundra,” cites an article in the co-called “The Journal of Climate.” The authors, from the Carnegie Institution and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the leading center for the development of the crazed First-Strike Star Wars weapons systems under Reagan, and now Bush, hide the actual atmospheric CO2 levels and present a deliberately false admittedly “simulated study” where “the CO2 level rises about 0.45 % a year through 2300,” then the authors falsely acknowledge (!?) that value is “slightly less than the current rate, about 0.5 % (!).” Which is another Big Lie! As if the above-reported values in the British Guardian, which documents that for the last 3 years the CO2 in the atmospheric has no longer been increasing additively but is now beginning to increase exponentially, simply do not exist! The article concludes with the deliberately disingenuous Earth shaking observation: “The question is no longer whether we will need to address this problem, but when we will have to address the problem.” (Gosh, do you think so, really?) This fraudulent (cover-up) “finding” supports the policy of the capitalists’ regime to do nothing, and once again represents the destructive driving force of the dynamic of the capitalist system itself.

The recent hurricanes such as Katrina, Rita and Wilma are just the beginning. The situation will arise in the not too distant future where the southern coast of the United States becomes basically uninhabitable. One quarter of U.S. imports and exports pass through the Gulf States and one quarter of oil refining has also taken place in the Gulf States, to say nothing of the drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. The capitalists’ response to the renewed focus on “Global Warming” after these hurricanes has been front page articles in the New York Times which point to the loss of ice cover in the Arctic and Greenland and bizarrely shout: “Hurray, the silver lining of the Global Warming is that it makes it possible to begin drilling for oil full scale in the Arctic!” Isn’t that great? In addition, the capitalists have used these recent hurricane disasters as the pretext to cut social programs and escalate the economic war against their own domestic population on the fraudulent slogan of “shared sacrifice!” The capitalists’ objective as described below in more detail is to reduce the world’s population overall by bringing people to an earlier death by any means necessary. This Fascist policy, known as Social Darwinism, is being implemented worldwide as the capitalists’ answer to what they consider the population explosion, and includes primarily economic warfare and biological warfare.

AIDS, SARS and H5N1 Avian Flu are all U.S. Bio-Warfare
Weapons being used for Population Reduction!

U.S.-led world Capitalism-Imperialism is fundamentally based on war and mass murder to steal new resources and new markets. The U.S. government is controlled and run by the military industrial complex and the oil industry and naturally approaches all problems from this perspective. AIDS is documented to be Bio-warfare by the U.S. government, and other cooperating governments, directed primarily against People of Color, Gays and those with blood clotting disorders deemed to be genetic liabilities for the human species. (See 1986 AIDS Poster and 1987 AIDS newspaper and other documentation published by the United Front Against Racism and Capitalism-Imperialism.) The AIDS virus is actually the Icelandic Sheep virus, known as the Visna-Maedi Lentivirus, which has been adapted to the human T4 helper lymphocyte through standard cell culture techniques. The AIDS virus should never be referred to as “HIV” because AIDS is not a human virus! AIDS is a Bioweapon designed by the United States government with assistance from the French during the 1970’s. From its origin in sheep and goats it was then passed through bovine species before finally adapting it to humans in the 1970’s. This is documented by comparing the genomes of the 3 viruses. Lentiviruses are found only in ungulates (hoofed animals) and are found in no primate species normally in nature, which can easily be confirmed by books on viral taxonomy published before 1980, after which they were all rewritten by the Bio-Warfare criminals. The number one Bio-Warfare criminal of the United States, Anthony Fauci, has even been installed as the Editor of Harrison’s Textbook of Internal Medicine(!), the multi-authored bible of Internal Medicine, in order to censor anything which might conflict with the U.S. Government’s concocted Big Lies about AIDS and assorted garden variety lies involving diagnosis and treatment in many other areas of medicine. The U.S. government has prevented development of an AIDS vaccine because it permits work to be carried out on vaccines which use the AIDS envelope lipoprotein and refuse any funding of an AIDS vaccine which utilizes the viral RNA itself, under the pretext that the vaccine might infect people. This is despite the fact that deleting the SOR gene makes it impossible for the virus to replicate and would permit use of all of the AIDS RNA in the vaccine minus the SOR gene. This would make an extremely effective vaccine but BioWarfare Criminal Anthony Fauci, et al. does not permit that to occur. SARS is also a Bio-warfare agent but the capitalists stopped with SARS because the Peoples’ Republic of China, one of the capitalists’ main targets, demonstrated that it could be completely neutralized through quarantine.

China’s announcement in the New York Times, November 16, 2005, that it will begin vaccinating all 5.2 billion, chicken, ducks, geese and turkeys against the H5N1 Bird Flu may seriously complicate the United States plans to release their human-to-human H5N1 reassortment virus in China (See below!), where the U.S. has been frustrated in its previous attempt with its SARS Bioweapon to reduce China’s population! If Chinese poultry is all vaccinated there will be no credibility whatsoever to any U.S. claim the H5N1 Bird Flu has “jumped species in China” if then a human-to-human strain suddenly “breaks out” of nowhere! There would be no sick birds for the human-to-human strain to have “jumped species” from. Many people will smell a rat! Not a bird! Not only that—if China demonstrates that it can vaccinate 5.2 billion birds it is obvious that they can easily vaccinate all of their 1.4 billion citizens with the vaccine they are now developing for a human-to-human strain! And it would also be in China’s interest to offer both their bird and human vaccines and their manufacturing technology to neighboring countries or any other country which requested it once their own population was vaccinated or even simultaneously while vaccinating their own birds and citizens.

According to the above New York Times report in 2004 there were 50 outbreaks of H5N1 Bird Flu in birds in 16 Chinese provinces, with 11 more outbreaks peaking this autumn, concentrated in and around Liaoning Province. The unusual cluster of cases in birds in Liaoning Province the Chinese have attributed to “fake flu vaccine which (was contaminated) with active virus.” It sounds very much like the batches of bird flu vaccine used at that location were indeed deliberately contaminated by our old friends from Fort Detrick and Co., who have penetrated the so-called World Health Organization for decades and would be able to accomplish this with no problem! After all the WHO and NGOs were also evidently instrumental in initiating the AIDS epidemic in the Chinese countryside which was later blamed on poor farmers selling their blood to make ends meet, which certainly may have occurred. But the AIDS virus didn’t just come from nowhere! According to the Times report the Chinese vaccine is normally nearly 100% effective in birds, so deliberate sabotage sounds most likely. The Americans have the only motive. Why? Up until the 2 to possible 3 human cases of Bird Flu just reported in the November 16th Times there have been no cases of Bird Flu in humans reported in China. Most of the outbreaks in Asia of H5N1 Bird Flu in humans have been in Vietnam, 92 out of the 128 cases reported last year with 42 fatalities. Without any reported human cases of Bird Flu it would have required an act of faith to believe that a human-to-human strain could suddenly emerge in China.

The New York Times article which appeared the very next day, Nov 17, 2005, tried to make a case that since 2 human cases of Bird Flu were a brother and a sister, where the sister died, there was supposedly a greater likelihood that one of them was a case of human-to-human transmission.(?) But that is highly unlikely and the writer knows it is highly unlikely. The reason is much more likely to be that both of them had a greater familial susceptibility to developing the symptoms, because millions of Chinese already have antibodies to the H5N1 Bird Flu virus but never have never gone on to develop any sort of symptoms!! That is the reason the capitalists are working around the clock at the CDC to develop the most maximally virulent human-to-human Bird Flu Reassortment Strain (See below), which they will need to set the World Pandemic in motion. We will be able to see it just before the capitalists unleash it because they will start to announce that they have proof of human-to-human transmission. If they really do have proof then it could only be their Reassortment Strain being presently developed at the CDC. When the Pandemic Virus is later sequenced and found to have the same sequence as the U.S. H5N1 Reassortment Virus now being developed, the Americans will falsely attribute that not to coincidence but rather to natural “inevitable mutation” in the H5N1 Bird-to-Human transmission to human-to-human transmission. Such mutation is not “inevitable.” Not all Bird Flu viruses go on to cause Global Pandemics in humans with the mortality rates as high as the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic or the mortality of that tiny percentage of humans who have developed symptoms from the H5N1 Bird Flu virus! That’s why they are working overtime at the CDC to develop a highly lethal strain of the H5N1 virus. The fact that China has started to vaccinate their poultry against H5N1 Bird Flu may tip the U.S. government’s hand to move fast to release their Global Pandemic very soon before China vaccinates their birds and the pretext for a Global Pandemic disappears because there are no more infected birds, who would be the putative source of such a mutation! Alternatively the capitalists may decide to release it in Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, or Cambodia. But they definitely intend to release it!

The United States Government is Openly Preparing a
Worldwide Bio-Warfare Influenza Pandemic in order to Help
Reduce the Population Through a Program of Covert Mass Murder
And Has Announced They Have a Vaccine to Protect Themselves!

The capitalists are presently in the process of creating and unleashing either or both: 1.) The more recently publicized H5N1 Avian Flu or 2.) The Reconstructed 1918 Spanish Flu as a World Pandemic, by first falsely conditioning the entire world to believe that a bird flu pandemic which would kill hundreds of millions of people is inevitable naturally! This is a Big Lie! See below. A World Flu Pandemic is inevitable but only because U.S.-led world capitalism-imperialism has decided to unleash one! The1918 influenza pandemic killed 40-50 million people worldwide including an estimated 675,000 in the United States. This mortality rate is not nearly as lethal as the H5N1 Avian Flu which normally kills 52% (or nearly 70% depending on the report) of those who develop symptoms after being infected by birds. (This is a very important distinction which is discussed below.)

Despite all the preparation for the H5N1 Avian Flu virus the United States government’s Bio-Warfare Department has nevertheless also decided to prepare to utilize the 1918 flu virus as a Bio-Warfare weapon against its own people and the entire world because of its unusually high death rate in 1918 among healthy adults aged 15 to 34 years, which consequently lowered the average life expectancy in the United States at that time by more than 10 years! Is this an almost made to order bioweapon or what? What’s not to like??? A similarly high death rate has not occurred in this age group in influenza A pandemics or epidemics prior to or subsequent to the 1918 Pandemic according to America’s Forgotten Pandemic by Alfred W. Crosby, Cambridge University Press 1989. Since the average life span in 1918 was not nearly as high as today the U.S.-led Bio-Warfare criminals clearly aspire to achieve a far higher kill quotient today with greatly increased dispersal of the virus by travel both nationally and internationally. With that objective in mind the United States Department of Bio-Warfare has already dug up and completely sequenced, published and reconstructed the 1918 Spanish Flu virus! This is an act of war against the entire world!

Because the recently announced Chinese preparations which include: 1.) Vaccinating all of their 5.2 billion poultry and also 2.) Developing a Bird Flu Vaccine for humans will largely stymie such a Pandemic which utilizes the H5N1 Bioweapon, the Americans may choose to go with their Reconstructed 1918 Spanish Flu virus Bioweapon instead, or as a follow-up after giving it the old college try with the H5N1. The Reconstructed 1918 virus is extremely virulent! In a paper in Science, Vol. 310, October 7, 2005, BioWarfare criminals Terrence M. Tumpey et al., first used their reconstructed strain to infect mice. After 4 days the virus had generated 39,000 times more virus particles in the animals lungs than were generated by infection with a modern influenza strain called the Texas virus. When Tumpey et al. infected human lung cells with the 1918 virus 50 times more virus particles were released after one day as were released after exposure to the Texas virus. Thirteen percent of mouse body weight was lost 2 days after infection with the 1918 virus, while weight loss was only transient in mice infected with the Texas virus. All the mice died within 6 days of infection with the 1918 virus. None died from the Texas virus!

The Capitalists Carry Out Bio-Warfare Openly Today
Under the False Cover of “Biodefense!”

The U.S. Bio-Warfare Department, which formally has its center at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland is now spread out around the world with its work carried out for the most part completely openly with such false pretexts as “investigative research” and “biodefense activities,”(!?) with the bizarre claim that “(developing Bioweapons!) is important for public health(!) and is conducted safely”(!) and is being carried out “where the benefits clearly outweigh the risks.”(!) Benefits? Risks!? Hah! A credulous, brainwashed, deliberately divided and deliberately misled public, through no fault of its own, still thinks merely in terms of risks unfortunately and cannot conceive that they themselves are in the crosshairs of a government which is not theirs and cannot ever be theirs because it is a capitalist dictatorship not a workers’ dictatorship, which will abolish class society and sets the stage finally for a genuine democracy. Sheepish naiveté in this period of increasing reaction allows the bulk of today’s Bio-Warfare research to be carried out without the requirement which exists at the Fort Detrick Bio-Warfare Center: that all personnel who work on Bio-Warfare projects must know the actual objectives of the research and are thus required to be brought into confidence and agree with the actual objectives of research—how to develop the most effective Bio-Warfare agents which will kill the most people, or target primarily People of Color, e.g. such as AIDS. In addition to the Fort Detrick Bio-Warfare Center, 2 key U.S. Bio-Warfare sites are located within the National Institutes of Infectious Disease run by Anthony Fauci and the Centers For Disease Control run by Julie Gerberding. In Europe the Pasteur Institute has been the premier Bio-Warfare center.

By carrying out the actual design of biological weapons openly the capitalists are able to 1.) Completely deny that they even engage in biological warfare (!) and 2.) Enlist the services of a much greater number of differently motivated researchers at multiple research centers. Today’s Bio-warfare crimes are so incredibly destructive and heinous and dangerous to all life on Earth that most top scientists will simply not go along with them. But if they are led to believe that they are working on something else then they are much easier to manipulate and control and are not that great a threat to the “national security” of the U.S. capitalist dictatorship, which is what that phrase actually means. Several score well-known and not so well-known microbiologists and other weapons-connected scientists have been assassinated from the 1980’s to the present, undoubtedly because they knew too much or they were politically opposed to the government and had a history of speaking out. (See http://rense.com/general62/list.htm and http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/deadbiologists.html. (Websites such as these actually cover up the material presented here and its significance because they are run by the anti-Communist fake “opposition,” and while they do contain a certain amount of straw man disinformation (easily disproved claims which are deliberately attached to central information which is true in order to discredit the true information and its significance) these sites do provide important factual material which can be very useful. Dialectical and Historical Materialist analysis plus experience enable one to recognize the disinformation.)

The Capitalist Openly Admit to Creating
the Most Virulent Avian Flu Virus Possible!

The capitalist Bio-Warfare criminals at the Orwellian Newspeak-named Center For Disease Control (?!) in Atlanta openly admit in an extremely detailed report in the Wall Street Journal, March 23, 2005, Page B1, entitled “CDC Aims to Create Experimental Pandemic Bird-Flu Virus,” that they are creating an Avian Flu virus which will spread from human to human as easily as from bird to bird! Using the H5N1 Avian Flu virus as their prototype the U.S. government reports that they have begun to design what is known as a reassortant virus by systematically:

“swapping genes of an H5N1 avian virus with the genes of an H3N2 virus, the strain behind the most recent flu outbreaks…Over the next six months, CDC scientists plan to substitute the eight genes of each virus one by one with the eight genes from the other virus in order to see which of more than 250 possible combinations create viable viruses. They will then incubate the viruses in canine tissue cells to see how well they grow. Eventually, the viruses which thrive in tissue culture will be tested in animals. Similar experiments are planned for later this year at Erasmus University, another major influenza-research center in Rotterdam in the Netherlands.”

The Bio-Warfare Criminal directly in charge of this operation at the CDC, Nancy Cox, says she is searching “to find some gene combinations (which) work well together” and “We’re really hoping that by switching genes out one by one we’ll see which genes or gene combinations confer lethality.”(!) These are her exact words! (We can’t wait!) Cox who fully understands that her objective is to create the virus which will be used in the Global Pandemic, falsely justifies this open quest to design the most lethal H5N1 Avian Flu strain possible in the shortest amount of time by the method described above with the disingenuous clumsy lie: “This will help us assess the pandemic risk.”(!) Oh, yes, yes! This is an example of a Big Lie which is carefully calculated to result in the mass murder of hundreds of millions of people.

The reason that the Bio-Warfare Criminals at the CDC are carrying out these experiments to create a maximally lethal reassortment virus is because studies of serum collected in 1992 in China, carried out by Peter Palese of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, document that millions of people in China have antibodies to the H5N1 strain of bird flu, meaning they have been infected and have recovered without incident, according to the article in the New York Times, November 5, 2005. This means that the H5N1 Avian Flu Virus regularly infects humans in addition to birds but does not cause disease in humans normally except in a tiny number of cases where the death rate is very high! In other words the capitalist Bio-Warfare Criminals cannot depend on the H5N1 Avian Flu Virus to evolve on its own into a lethally efficient bioweapon by simultaneously infecting humans at the same time that humans are infected with another conventional influenza virus, because that does not and can not occur naturally under any circumstances! (This does not mean that influenza viruses do not evolve!) Every physician and microbiologist knows that a person or an animal cannot be infected with 2 different cold viruses or 2 different influenza viruses simultaneously!

The reason that capitalists’ explanation is false and completely impossible is that the first virus causes the body’s cells to produce interferon which prevents infection by a second virus! Proof of this beyond a shadow of a doubt is the indisputable fact that millions of people in China have antibodies to the H5N1 Avian Flu Virus which has been around China since it appeared in Hong Kong in1997! It is inconceivable that during that time that the H5N1 Avian Flu Virus would not have infected hundreds of thousands if not millions of people who were already infected with a conventional influenza virus, or vice versa, if either were possible—which they are not! The “result” of such a high number of such putative simultaneous infections would surely have led to evolution of a highly lethal reassortment strain of the H5N1 Avian Flu Virus which would have then gone on to kill millions of people in China and worldwide! Nothing of the kind has happened! Nor will it naturally! What has happened is that the so-called World Health Organization has pressured countries in the Far East to mass murder (“cull”) millions of birds in order to foment world hysteria and to condition the masses to expect a World Bird Flu Pandemic as Inevitable! The H5N1 Avian Flu Virus does not even kill most birds it infects! But the mass murder of the birds (culling) has also given the false impression that H5N1 kills most birds it infects, which it does not! And it is killed by cooking! Meanwhile the capitalists are cooking up a maximally lethal H5N1 Avian Flu Reassortment Virus in the laboratory at the CDC precisely as they themselves describe above in order to create a World Pandemic thereby reducing the world’s population through Covert Mass Murder! And they also have the highly virulent Reconstructed 1918 Spanish Flu virus ready to go right now! Please note: the capitalists’ move to abolish the function of Social Security and the other social programs in the U.S. and even public education for the masses has the very same objective as their biological warfare—to bring an increasing number of people to an early death. This is the way the capitalists solve the so-called “demographic problem of overpopulation.” A correct approach to overpopulation which does not involve mass murder will be discussed below.

The Capitalist Bio-Warfare Criminals Have Already Designed a Vaccine
to Protect Themselves From Their Planned World Pandemic!

While working to develop their Pandemic Virus the capitalists simultaneously have indeed developed an “Avian Flu Vaccine Called Effective in Human Testing,” as reported in The New York Times, August 7, 2005. That Times article, written by Lawrence K. Altman, M.D., one of the media hack professional liars who had previously covered up the AIDS BioWarfare since the 1980’s and later the SARS BioWarfare, reported the breakthrough which had been reached and promised “Months Until It’s Offered to Public—Caution on Meeting Demand.” This was to put to rest the concerns of the select few who will receive it: primarily the capitalists themselves and those who directly serve them, and made it clear that it was not for the masses, a high percentage of which are to be exterminated. Then on November 16, 2005 an article in the New York Times claimed the exact opposite: “There is no human vaccine against bird flu because it is impossible to predict the form the virus will take it develops the capacity for human to human transmission.” This was to keep people confused, demoralized and to lower their expectation that they might receive a vaccine to protect them from the inevitable Bird Flu Pandemic. Instead the government and its media are making a big deal of getting vaccinated against regular flu. This is done to make people falsely think that a regular flu vaccine might provide a measure of protection against either the H5N1 Bird Flu or the Reconstructed 1918 Spanish Flu, which is a Big Lie, when actually they are being set up as targets in the U.S. government’s threatened World Bird Flu Pandemic.

These crimes, which are exposed in detail below, continue to demonstrate that capitalism is fundamentally based on war and mass murder, and drive home the fact that the survival of civilization and life on this planet depends on carrying out a Socialist Revolution here in the United States. That must become everybody’s focus today. Not continuing to “elect” some capitalist candidate such as Hillary Clinton in one more staged sham election, where the outcome has been decided upon in advance and all candidates represent only the interests of the capitalist class, and where the only issues discussed all reduce to how best to continue the escalating crimes of the capitalist dictatorship. In the next sham presidential election the capitalists plan to run Condoleeza (Kindasleezy) Rice against Hillary Clinton in order to eliminate the sexist vote and hand the racist vote to Hillary. They are sooo clever! The decision has obviously already been made at “the top.” This is what’s behind the illusion of a Bush takedown, where all basic policies remain intact. The Hillary-Kindasleezy lineup is such an accepted fact that it is already being built up and heralded everywhere including on Larry King Live as “the ultimate catfight” and a “dream race” by Maureen Dowd, a media-hyped, opinion-molding New York Times columnist who’s role is normally to run interference for the Fascist Bush Regime by inappropriately and irresponsibly trying to engender cynicism in life and death issues where her Ha-Ha—keep laughing—joking comes off sounding increasingly bizarre and creepy especially as one’s class consciousness increases and with it the awareness that the media is nothing but a privatized arm of the U.S. government’s so-called “intelligence community.” (Cynicism is a philosophy of capitalism, a philosophy carefully calculated to engender resignation, submission, acquiescence, despair and defeat and is used to try to undermine organized progressive opposition to capitalism, and above all to keep it anti-Communist. Always be alert to it and expose it for what it is on the spot.)

But the close relationship of the Bushes and Clinton is real! For example, both regimes have worked to abolish the function of the Social Security Act. As the 2008 presidential election approaches however expect a false disassociation between the 2 families. The fake “left’s” new slogan is “The World Can’t Wait” (for Hillary!). Deesgusto! The objective of electing Hillary is to try to perpetuate the illusion of “democracy” in what is actually a constantly hardening capitalist dictatorship, and to more easily push through the oppressive economic warfare measures against the U.S. masses because many of her core constituents, who naively see her as a counterweight to the Bush Regime, support her with an almost religious fervor and can be counted on to help implement virtually anything she agrees to as she moves the country even further to the right, just like her husband did! Any opposition to her police state and Fascist policies will predictably be falsely labeled “sexist!” Her Fascist-minded husband who bombed Iraq on a daily basis almost from the moment he took office has already abolished the function of the first part of the Social Security Act—Welfare. Hillary Clinton has moved further to the right than the Fascist Margaret Thatcher, former PM of the UK during the Reagan Era!

Even if she wanted to, which she most certainly does not, Hillary Clinton could not evacuate the U.S military from Iraq and reverse the Permanent War stage of capitalism. She has also already agreed along with the Democratic Party leadership to switch from wage-based indexing to price-based aka inflation-based indexing in calculating Social Security Benefits which will abolish the function of Social Security just as surely as would “private accounts,” which is largely a Red-Herring meant to distract attention from the switch on Social Security Indexing already agreed to by all Democratic Party leaders, including Hillary, and the constantly escalating economic warfare being waged against the U.S. masses on every conceivable level in order to “solve the overpopulation problem” by helping to bring an increasing number of people to an earlier death (applied Social Darwinism). Once again, this is because capitalism has a dynamic of its own which is independent of the individual capitalists and politicians which make it up. The system is in control—not the politicians and not even the capitalists themselves! The system generates the scum and the scoundrel politicians who in turn are rewarded to the degree that they express and further the internal dynamic of capitalism. This is the Dialectical and Historical Materialist analysis.

All of the material which appears here should be widely reproduced and even translated into as many languages as possible and distributed by every possible means in order to expose the capitalists’ planned Bio-Warfare operation before they unleash it. Other sections on other topics will follow shortly. This will help in organizing the masses to carry out a Socialist Revolution worldwide! Capitalism is a failure. Capitalism offers no future for you or your children. In 1993 the United Front Against Racism and Capitalism-Imperialism exposed the planned Hanta Virus epidemic which the capitalist were just about to unleash. The Hanta Virus, a rare virus supposedly spread by aerosolized mouse droppings and urine (!) has a mortality rate of over 50% with long-term morbidity for the survivors. The media systematically conditioned the masses for a mass epidemic. It was to have originated in the “Four Corners” (an area shared by New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Utah) and appeared because the El Nino had caused more rain resulting in a 4 to 5 fold increase in the Dear Mouse population. What a stretch! The Biowarfare criminals were running wild! (They are back at it right now and big time with Bird Flu!) In the Spring of 1993 Dan Rather of CBS reported that “the CDC expects nearly simultaneous outbreaks of Hanta virus within a year in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Miami and New York.” (!) The listener could picture in his mind the “Mickeys” packing their bags and discussing their itineraries and preposterously heading off their separate ways from their home in the Four Corners Area: “Hey dude, where you goin’?” “Oh, me? I’m going to San Francisco.” “I’m goin’ to Miami!” “Yeah, well go on, cause I’m goin’ to Chicago!” “Can I come?” It was totally ridiculous. But they sounded very serious. It was a full court press in the media! Such an organism sounded so ideal for extermination of those who lived in Ghettoes, namely People of Color. Racist stereotyping was used to argue that the Mickeys would go to where there were supposedly more vermin, ghettoes supposedly having a worse vermin problem than more well-to-do areas. Someone hurry run tell David Rockefeller at 811 Fifth Avenue! Somebody’s “brainstorm” at the so-called Centers For Disease Control! We exposed it from the beginning. That may have influenced either the “brainstormers” or their masters to cancel it. Today however the capitalists have much bigger fish to fry so it will take the work of the masses to expose this little Bird Flu number they are about to jump off with. It is an obligation of all those who read this material and agree with the analysis to distribute it.

The Most Likely Scenario for a World Pandemic
Created by the the United States Government:

The capitalists may choose to release the H5N1 Avian Flu virus first, if they choose to release both, because H5N1 has demonstrated an extremely high fatality rate in those humans who have developed symptoms, and also because the media has conditioned the entire world to expect that virus to cause the human pandemic and to expect it within the next year or so, and maybe sooner. If the U.S. decides on the H5N1 Avian Flu virus they will probably first release it in China, Vietnam or somewhere in the Far East, where they want to kill the most people, so it will look like it originated there just as they did with the SARS virus.

For their Reconstructed 1918 Spanish Flu virus the capitalists have 2 release options: 1.) They can falsely claim: “It escaped from the lab” or 2.) They can claim that “bio-terrorists” (Other than them? Not likely!), or a “disgruntled employee” used the published viral genome and independently reconstructed the virus. The preparation for the first option has been very straightforward in seemingly irresponsibly, but actually very deliberately, carrying out all work in a lower level Bio-Safety Level-3 Laboratory (B-3 Lab), when it is an absolute no-brainer for any competent microbiologist or physician that a Bio-Safety Level-4 Laboratory (B-4 Lab), which has the strictest bio-safety conditions, is an absolute requirement for work on such a dangerous virus. Published complaints about the choice of the B-3 Lab with its lower level bio-safety requirements have appeared in Nature magazine, October 6, 2005. Contrasted with this choice of bio-safety level for the Reconstructed 1918 virus, the work on the H5N1 Bird Flu Virus is all being carried out in a B-4 top security lab at the CDC. Cox’s fellow Bio-Warfare Criminal colleague Jeffrey K. Taubenberger at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, who sequenced and published the genome of the Reconstructed 1918 Spanish Flu virus, and Terrence M. Tumpey, who led the team which actually reconstructed the 1918 pandemic virus, who also works at the CDC with Nancy Cox are both working in B-3 Laboratories! That contradiction has only one purpose: creating a pretext for release of the Reconstructed 1918 virus!

A B-4 Lab requires full body suits, multiple air locks, showers and negative pressure ventilation systems which prevent any air form escaping into the environment. By using a B-3 Lab the capitalists can claim: “It escaped. You were right. Gee, if we had only listened! We made a costly human error and we are so very sorry! We will be more careful next time!” You can already hear it! Richard Ebright, of Rutgers University, who serves on biosecurity panels, stated in the Nature article: “Tumpey et al. have constructed a virus that represents perhaps the most effective bioweapon agent now known.” One minor problem is that only a tiny percentage of people read Nature and Science and Ebright is only willing to go so far as to say that what Tumpey et al. are doing is dangerous and a mistake! But make no mistake, it’s not a “mistake!” Ebright knows that and he covers it up, but he is just one more controlled “opposition” figure who has been placed in front of an issue in order to control that issue and to make it less likely that others in the field would go further than his statements and expose what actually is happening and why. In the Nature article Ebright states that there is a significant risk “verging on inevitability” of accidental release of the virus into the human population and points out that “in 2003 a SARS virus escaped from a B-3 Lab in Singapore and in 2004 two further escapes occurred from a B-3 Lab in Beijing.” (Tell us something we don’t know already or couldn’t figure out, please!) Ebright also mentions the capitalists’ second option, i.e. making the (false) claim that a bio-terrorist or a “disgruntled, disturbed or extremist employee has launched the epidemic” as if that hysteria-fomenting pretext had any credibility at all, which it most certainly does not, especially in this era of background checks that would make an average person cringe. An example of this last option was when the U.S. government falsely accused the very innocent Steven J. Hatfill, ridiculously labeling him a “person of interest” in the 2001 Anthrax Bio-Terrorism Provocation. See below for the full explanation of the 2001 Anthrax Bio-Terrorism Provocation which follows the section on the U.S. government’s Planned World Flu Pandemic.

None of this is rocket science but it is all being covered up, hiding in plain sight, and the U.S. government’s propaganda lies for the most part are simply repeated in the capitalists’ media (a privatized arm of the U.S. government’s “intelligence community”) without being totally refuted and thoroughly exposed in every detail in order to educate the masses. In addition, this material and much more is covered up also by the leadership of all of the fake “left” groups. See below: The Capitalists Rule Through a Combination of Force and Deception. Instead partial exposure of a few of the capitalists crimes does not ever involve these topics and is never carried out in logically precise irrefutable detail and almost never in advance as done here. The only groups in the spectrum of government-controlled and operated fake “left” and single issue groups which handle these topics are Conspiracy Theory groups,” whose versions of events invariably contain multiple pieces of straw man disinformation in order to discredit the central claims. Conspiracy Theory and is handled primarily by the John Birch Society Fascists and some Anarchists. As far as the fake “left” is concerned the capitalists would never carry out an assassination of their own president, e.g. in 1963 where Nixon is documented with photo-overlay evidence to have organized the assassination of JFK using the so-called “Watergate Burglars” disguised as the so-called “Dealey Plaza Tramps.” And they would never carry out the assassination of political opposition leaders domestic and foreign; and the capitalists would never be so dastardly as to design the AIDS virus which targets primarily Blacks and Gays, or deliberately create a World Bird Flu Pandemic. Heavens to Betsy, No!

The fake “left” also prefers to cover up the central issue, crucial to building and organizing support for a new system based on human need not private profit, that there was no “collapse of the Soviet Union,” but a rather surrender to the threat of a nuclear war! (See below) The fake “left” lies, through lies of commission and omission, on virtually every topic because the primary purpose of the fake “left” is to impersonate opposition to the capitalist dictatorship by talking tough and saying nothing just like any capitalist demagogue and to present a barrier to genuine Communist leadership while they lead the masses to defeat, generally behind unreal pacifist and idealistic slogans carefully designed to encourage the false belief that capitalism can be reformed. See below. So far the capitalists have succeeded in their deception and misleadership. This is because of the present Correlation of Class Forces. Once again it is vital to remember that all wars are won and lost on moral and every movement begins with the call! Let’s not permit the capitalists to keep us demoralized and divided. Organization is what counts and we must begin to organize everywhere.

The purpose of Conspiracy Theory groups, such as the Far-Right (Fascist!) John Birch Society which is run by anti-Communist crazies, is to try to intimidate and demoralize the Working Class and everyone else! Conspiracy theorists do not to focus on the class struggle, which is the exact opposite of the fake “left” which permits no mention of actual capitalist statecraft as mentioned above but instead focus on supposedly all-powerful elite secret capitalist societies and their closed meetings such as the Bilderberg Conference, etc. They seek to relegate their members and adherents to a state of worship and fear of these elitist capitalist societies with the implication that they are much too powerful to be successfully opposed or overthrown, which has already happened with the 1917 Russian Revolution and China and Cuba. The reality is that these elitist groups and meetings do exist and conspiracies most certainly exist (Conspiracy is just another word for planning and is part of capitalist statecraft.), but the conspiracy theorists cover up the fact that the capitalist system, which all of these groups either actively or passively support in practice (because they do not call for its overthrow and also call for a Socialist Revolution ) is fundamentally based on war, mass murder, exploitation and super-exploitation.

The negatives of capitalism far outweigh the positives and have for a long time! The choice we have is to remain passive passengers on this Titanic, which is going only one way—down with us on it, or we can organize a Socialist Revolution which will provide the solution to the entire complex of problems created by capitalism-imperialism, and which now directly threatens all life on Earth. The fake “opposition” covers up the key fact: U.S. world capitalism-imperialism has reached its final stage of Permanent War, which is potentially the most ideal Pre-Revolutionary situation possible under capitalism!!! Even those among the fake “left” who claim that they are “for Socialism” deliberately cover up the fact that The Pre-Condition for Socialist Revolution in the United States and any developed country is Mutiny in the armed forces. That is why we must call for Mutiny in Iraq as in Vietnam—the Real Reason the Vietnam War ended in 1975! There is no “third way” or alternative to capitalism-imperialism, which can not be reformed through any form of capitalist elections or by any other means. The strategy, tactics and techniques of achieving a Socialist Revolution in the United States are discussed below.

Operation Anthrax—The Explanation of the
2001 Anthrax Bio-Terrorism Provocation
By the United States Government:

Watch out you guys working at the CDC or NIH, or elsewhere for the U.S. Biowarfare Department. Especially if you have a high expendability rating, for example, having lied on your resume, as did the totally innocent Steven J. Hatfill, you might wind up as a so-called “person of interest” when he was sacrificed in the 2001 Anthrax Terrorism attacks. He was singled out in order to distract from the facts and actual evidence, which actually convict the United States government beyond a shadow of a doubt of carrying out the 2001 Bio-Terrorist Provocation. Circumstantial evidence is more than enough to convict in capital cases every day! The capitalists openly admitted that the powdered highly purified weaponized Ames strain of anthrax used in the anthrax letters came from the U.S. Bio-Warfare Department. The U.S. Government calls it part of their “Biodefense”(!) program! It sounds so absurd. So Ridiculously Orwellian! It’s another example of a Big Lie. Precisely the same as the so-called “Defense Department,” which was always called the War Department up until August 10, 1949 when they changed the name to try to hide the fact that capitalism is fundamentally dependent on war and mass murder to steal new resources and new markets.

Regarding the 2001 Anthrax Provocation—U.S. government “experts first falsely claimed that it “would have been easy for a scientist working with anthrax to remove a small amount of the weaponized Ames strain from the lab(!?)” and also falsely claimed that “security has been lax”(!), a Big Lie which was immediately refuted by many microbiologists. Then the U.S. government “experts” falsely claimed precisely the opposite: that “it would be extremely difficult to steal 10g of weaponized anthrax from a government lab so ‘the perpetrator’(!) very likely grew and weaponized the letter anthrax himself.”(!) Totally ridiculous! That long and extremely complicated process would without any question require a B-4 Lab with its advanced instrumentation, facilities, personnel and security! And the act of transferring the powdered anthrax bioweapon into envelopes also could only be carried out in a B-4 Lab because there must be no motion of air during the procedure. The transfer has to be carried out in an air-sealed transparent box (hood), which is entered only through holes fitted with special gloves, using hands which are also gloved. Then the letters must be placed in a sealed container(s) a process which is also carried out in the airtight box in the same fashion, and then the anthrax letters must be transported and deposited very carefully in the targeted U.S. Post Office mailboxes late at night while the approaches to the mailbox are monitored from many directions on the sidewalk and in the street by a sufficient number of people in order to prevent discovery! Those who actually carried out Operation Anthrax left none of their DNA or any other clues indicating that they had forensic training and experience. They would also have to have been vaccinated against Anthrax to guarantee they would not become infected. The vaccine was in short supply and not generally accessible except by the U.S. Biowarfare criminals who carried out Operation Anthrax.

The anthrax letters were sent mainly to the media and Democratic Party leaders and were mailed from multiple sites and from multiple states in too short a time to have been carried out by one person “a lone male terrorist” as the FBI deliberately falsely alleged. This fact is covered up. It sounds just as ridiculous as the Warren Report conclusion that John Kennedy was killed by “a lone assassin,” a bizarre claim that was rejected by 80% of the American public! In addition, the Anthrax Attacks were carried out according to a classified protocol written by Bill Patrick dated 1999 describing what a terrorist could achieve with letters mailed containing anthrax. Therefore the perpetrator U.S. government undoubtedly had high security clearance and access to Patrick’s 1999 protocol. Hatfill had no such security clearance and no motive whatsoever nor could he have possibly have carried out the attacks alone. He did not even have unrestricted access to the weaponized Anthrax bioweapon in the first place, despite the fact that it had been available in 15 laboratories! The U.S. government is the only entity which did have a motive and the means to carry out the entire operation! The first anthrax letter was mailed on September 18, 2001, which indicates that Operation Anthrax had been planned and organized well before September 11, 2001 and that it had been precisely coordinated with the 911 Attack, which was a well-planned and orchestrated U.S. government-facilitated provocation. See below for full explanation. The fact that the first Anthrax letter was mailed on September 18th also means that both attacks were orchestrated by the same people! The motive in carrying out the Anthrax terrorism was to help foment hysteria domestically in order to help manipulate public opinion and to provide another false pretext to ram through the unconstitutional Fascist USA Patriot Act, to justify more money for “biodefense”(!!) and to provide yet another false provocation to justify capitalism’s own internal dynamic (natural development sequence) and entry into its final stage: Permanent War which is directed against the entire world, including its own domestic population on all levels, under the pretext of the hypocritically-titled so-called “War on Terrorism.”

Posted by: William H. Depperman | Nov 20, 2005 10:29:52 PM

Well said, you complete nutjob.

Posted by: Murphy | Nov 21, 2005 2:16:59 PM

"Well said, you complete nutjob." It's been five minutes since I started laughing, and I'm still crying.

Posted by: jf | Nov 22, 2005 7:14:50 AM

Funny, I did a google search for Weight Loss and this site came up. The only weight loss information I can find here is about infected mice.

Posted by: Chuck | Sep 25, 2006 11:16:40 AM