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Making More Democrats

I got an unusual number of "I tend to agree with you but not this time" comments on my post about proposals to rearrange the schedule of Democratic primaries, an issue in the contest for DNC chairman. To reiterate my point, I was skeptical that moving more red states or close states higher in the schedule would necessarily produce a nominee more appealing in those states, since the actual Democratic primary voters in those states are unlikely to be representative of the viewpoints of the other voters -- independents and winnable Republicans -- who will decide the state in the fall. I concluded by arguing that only open primaries, in which voters can vote in the primary of any party regardless of their registration, would have even the slightest chance of boosting a candidate with an appeal beyond his or her party's base. In fact, I would argue for the elimination of party registration entirely.

I dumped all this too casually at the end, so I should say more about it. Let's leave aside the possibility of radical strategic voting, such as Republicans supporting Dean in the Wisconsin open primary strictly because they believe he's the weakest Democrat for the general election. The real objection is that people who haven't identified as "Democrats" shouldn't be allowed to decide who the Democrats' nominee is. And for that reason alone, it's unlikely that any of the candidates for DNC chair who is not suicidal will want to admit to a room full of deeply identified Democrats that the solution to our party's misfortunes might lie in letting people who aren't as loyal have a voice in our selection.

Underlying my proposal is an idea that I wrote about a long time ago in some overlong and technically recondite comments on politics and technology: that the nature of "membership" has changed and political mobilization has to change with it. In that post, I used the example of an encounter I witnessed between the former president of a huge membership organization (the name of which I did not disclose, for no apparent reason: it was the American Civil Liberties Union) and a current leader of a newer online advocacy organization similar to but not moveon.org. The former president demanded to know how many dues-paying, long-term ("card-carrying") members the newer organization had; the newer organization responded with statistics about transactions -- so many million e-mails to Congress, etc. -- which were clearly non-responsive.

But at that moment I realized that was the point. It's been decades since a major mass-membership organization was formed and many of those that survive from the glory days in the 1970s -- with the notable exception of the ACLU -- have memberships with an average age well past retirement. Political activity for people under 60 now is more transactional. People don't join moveon.org, in the classic sense of sending $40 annual dues, so much as they participate in various activities. As long as the transactions work for them, they remain and their engagement deepens, but if the actions seem to be ineffective or participants disagree with their viewpoint or the issues aren't engaging, they're gone. The barriers to get out are as low as the barriers to get in. In the same way, I've been a loyal "member" of the world of Google users for probably six years, but it's purely transactional. I didn't pay anything or sign anything to get in, and I won't hesitate to get out if something better comes along.

Other political organizers are coming to understand the changing, looser nature of membership. I remember a top strategist at an environmental group proposing in late 2003 that rather than just go after voters who had gone so far as to join the Sierra Club or Audubon Society, they would look for voters who "look like environmentalists" on various demographic measures. Likewise, unions this year for the first time went after "union-like" households, since the barriers to actual union enrollment are so high that union membership hardly reflects the reality of working-class voters. This idea has also informed the "Open-Source Union" strategy proposed by Joel Rogers and adopted in some ways by the Service Employees' Union.

All these attempts to broaden the base to which these organizations speak reflect an understanding of the changing nature of membership and relationship between people and institutions. Political parties should recognize that as well. I don't advocate an open primary because I want strongly identified Republicans to choose the Democratic nominee. Rather, I want it to be possible for someone who has not strongly identified as a Democrat to decide at the last minute that one of the Democrats is appealing to her. In addition to possibly helping find a nominee more likely to appeal to those loosely-affiliated voters, the act of voting in a Democratic primary might be one of those "transactions" that deepens the individuals interest in the party. More generally, I would advocate making the barriers to participation in voting -- whether in a primary or a general election -- as low as they are in most of the other realms of modern life.

It would be great to see a candidate for DNC chair who was willing to think beyond the party's base in this way, but it's unlikely, not because some of the candidates aren't imaginative enough, but for institutional reasons. But the lessons that drive moveon.org, the SEIU, environmental groups, and software companies should not be lost on the political parties.

Posted by Mark Schmitt on December 25, 2004 | Permalink


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Personally, I like the Massachusetts system. The primaries are technically closed (because everyone who votes in them is a registered Democrat), but one way to register as a Democrat is... showing up and voting in the Democratic primary. There are even handy forms you can fill out (and give to a poll worker) to change your registration back to what it was before you voted. I like the split-second requirement of being a registered Democrat because I think it deepens the potential for identification among those open to the Democratic party and discourages those not open to it (e.g. strongly identifying Republicans).

Posted by: Ravi | Dec 25, 2004 2:50:09 AM

"Let's leave aside the possibility of radical strategic voting, such as Republicans supporting Dean in the Wisconsin open primary strictly because they believe he's the weakest Democrat for the general election."

Why should we leave this aside? I think it is a good objection. If I were Karl Rove, I would run Al Sharpton in all the states, and get him nominated, to boot. You make a good point, if we really can leave this aside. But I don't see how you can.

What about 1/4 of delegates determined by open primaries (of the sort you suggest), 1/2 by closed primaries, and 1/4 by party elders? In the early primaries, the 1/4 of open primary voters would be tracked as expressing the more electable candidate. If it were an Al Sharpton, we could ignore them, and concentrate on the Kerrys and Edwardses thrown up by the loyal Ds.

Posted by: Joe S. | Dec 25, 2004 10:38:13 PM

I'm not so much concerned about radical strategic voting by Republicans. I'm concerned about radical strategic voting by Democrats.

I do not think the primary voters selected Kerry because they loved him: they selected him because they thought he was "electable." This sort of thinking is what's killing us. If I had to design a new primary process, my central goal would be to discourage strategic voting by Democrats. I want to hear who *really* excites them, not who they think is electable.

Posted by: Josh Yelon | Dec 26, 2004 6:55:20 PM

Well, this idea probably has obstacles I'm not aware of, but here it is: why not mimic the retail advantages of Iowa and NH by going to counties rather than states, at least for the initial period?

It could be considered a nonbinding pre-primary system or an adjunct to the existing state delegate system. The candidates would go retail in selected counties in selected states (chosen by who? maybe part party leadership, part lottery?) to assess a broad demographic mix of voter support. The votes of these counties could count early and the rest of these states could vote later.

Posted by: Crab Nebula | Dec 27, 2004 2:14:57 PM

To Josh: you're attempting to divine the intentions of voters and assuming they are like you. It's not about "exciting" voters for most people. I don't want to be "excited". Strategic voting (i.e. voting on electability) has always taken place to some degree, and always will. The way it's reported may change from year to year, though.

There is a severe bubble tendency on the web: the system is flawed because a candidate they -- and supposedly "nobody else" -- didn't like won the nomination. I personally have met people who liked John Kerry. This argument is intellectual self-deception. The primary structure is not the reason the Democrats lost the Presidential election this year.

Posted by: Crab Nebula | Dec 27, 2004 2:25:15 PM

Am I missing something? Wasn't the open primary system tossed out by the Supreme Court? California had such a system, and the Dem/Rep/Libs (I believe) challenged it, and it got struck down. Because of that case, here in Washington state, we've had to reform our primary system. We had the classic open primary (vote for anyone, for any race, regardless of party). Now it's not clear what we have (some version of Louisiana's top-2 system).

Anyway, I liked the open primary system, but our betters have decided it's not something we can use anymore, even if we want to.

Posted by: Kumar | Dec 28, 2004 1:26:11 PM

Kumar: "Am I missing something? Wasn't the open primary system tossed out by the Supreme Court?"

yay for terminology wars. The California primary, where in any race you may vote for any candidate is the "blanket primary", which was thrown out by the Supreme Court. An "open primary" is the Montana-style primary that was used in this election cycle: one ballot per party, you can pick any ballot you want regardless of registration.

I tend to think that either the blanket primary or Montana primaries are the most useful. Attracting crossover votes in the primary is important. However, systems like the Louisiana primary are very prone to corruption ... after all, I feel like doing anything to make your state's politics look more like Louisiana is a mistake.

Posted by: niq | Dec 28, 2004 2:21:07 PM

just for the record, the Claifornia and Washington open/blanket primaries were found to be violations of the state constitutions by the state supreme courts. As I understand teh deisions, in addition, what was not allowed was to *require* parties to hold such primaries, since that was (reasonably IMO) held to vioalte their freedom of association. So for both those reasons, those decisions are not relevant to the discussion at hand.

Another issue here is the assumption that what the Dems need to do is increase performance among persuadables rather than turnout in the base. For instance, African Americans are 111.5% of the population of Ohio, but were only 10% of the electorate. if African Americans ahd turned out at the state average Kerry would have carried the sate. It might be relevant in this case that the current primary system favors two of the whitest, most rural states in the country. But nobody on any side of this debate says, "Democrats need to nominate candidate who will do a better job energizing blacks." Why not?

Posted by: j.w.mason | Dec 28, 2004 5:42:19 PM

i think you have identified an important issue: notions of organizational membership and the organziational purpose seem to have changed

many people view "traditional style organizations" (aclu, sierra, common cause) etc as remote, unsupportive and part of the "elite"

i have not examined the issue to any depth but my first thought is that the level of participation o0f the "right wing" participation and membership is mobilized by "modern marketing" "transactional" techniques employed by vigary, rove et al

Posted by: james | Dec 29, 2004 11:17:59 AM

J.W. Mason:
Man, now that is some crackerjack vote suppression right there:
"African Americans are 111.5% of the population of Ohio, but were only 10% of the electorate." When 101.5% of the voters stay home, Karl Rove must be working overtime.

More seriously, assuming you meant 11.5%, how bad is that, really? Haven't blacks always voted in disproportionately low numbers?
I think there are some decent comparisons that could be drawn - how did Jesse Jackson do at African American turnout in the 1988 primaries (when he had a real shot), and how did Clinton do in 92 (we'll skip the '96 general election since it wasn't close)? I don't know the answer, but it would be interesting to find out - and I'd wager that even then, the black vote was below their overall proportion of the population.
Poor people don't vote and blacks are disproportionately poor - it's sad and unfortunate, but it's true, and I don't think that more appealling candidates would do much to change it.

Posted by: The Navigator | Dec 29, 2004 11:56:25 AM

why do poor people in america not vote?

In australia they vote. We have compulsory voting, but i do not expect americans to support that level of serious improvement in their electoral system(altho' they support compulsory taxation and they will support a compulsory draft when it comes this year).

The question still stands...why do poor people in America not vote?

In countries without compulsory voting like UK, all the European countries, Brazil, India, the poor vote in huge percentiles.

What is the problem with the American poor?

Anybody have an idea?

Posted by: michael davis | Dec 31, 2004 10:59:39 PM

Why black have low turnout has more explanations than simply poverty.

Standing in the rain for 8-10 hours (Ohio), and having people calling your home to actually discourage you from voting (Oregon), may have something to do with it.

Having nearly 100 white, male senators (including Gore!!) laugh and jibe at the congressional black caucus 4 years ago when concerns were raised about Florida may have a little to do with low turnout also.

Not to even mention the historical efforts to keep blacks from voting. Like having to read the declaration of independence in French.

As far as appealing candidates go, in most presidential elections, blacks find themselves voting for the lesser of two evils, not for anyone they actually find appealing.

Posted by: keto | Jan 3, 2005 1:54:21 PM

Has SEIU actually done this "open source" union organizing? I know they have discussed it as part of their set of ideas for the future, but I didn't know it was in action.

Posted by: benton | Jan 3, 2005 2:26:12 PM

I appreciate the remarks made by keto, to my question about why the american poor do not vote. I was working in Australia's Embassy in Washington during the election of 1988 and was amazed at the vast queues standing in the cold to vote. These technical problems(deliberately engineered by Republicans to lower the number of voters)are not insuperable. There must be other reasons why 100 million americans do not vote.

Do these people not identify with the Republic?

My outsider's observation is that the Democrats do not seem energised about these non voters.Why?

Are there any recent studies available which go beyond keto's valid points?

My concern for this issue is based on the danger that now exists for the continuation of the American Constitution, under your current government.

The fake war on terrorism has gripped most americans(voters and non voters)and it would be relatively easy to suspend the Constitution 'in the face of an imminent challenge to our freedoms' or some such rubbish proclaimed from the White House. The 100 million non voters would be the most easily tricked by such a move. They would automatically support the President in 'defending America'.

By ignoring the 100 million non voters the Democrats are nurturing a bedrock group of americans who could be easily brought around to support a fascist development in the coming years.

Those of us overseas who are strong admirers of the USA are actually very worried. Presumably american Democrats do not think that Fascism is possible in America. Ladies and gentlemen, I fear you may be mistaken.

The mysterious events of 9/11 shows that the perpetrators(whoever they were)are capable of anything.America's safety is in numbers. Look at that neglected 100 million, please.

Posted by: michael davis | Jan 4, 2005 12:19:59 AM

On the nature of membership:

I find it plausible that the "transactional model" is more common than the traditional "card-carrying" model among contributors to MoveOn and other liberal outfits. (I gave them money myself).

But I worry that this is not true among right-wing organizations, and that, in fact, your contrast gives us another way of describing why we were out-organized and out-mobilized last fall.

"Transactional" interactors are fair-weather soldiers. As you said, they participate when they want to, but when the organization asks them to do something they don't feel like doing, they head for the exit.

But effective political organization requires people to do both things they like doing (going to rallies they support) and also things they don't like doing (scutwork of various sorts).

Very few people actually *enjoy* going door-to-door, or licking envelopes, or any of the hundreds of disagreeable tasks that are involved in retail GOTV. Very few people do this stuff because they *like* it.

If the Republican base of support had been "transactional", they would have hung up when the party asked them to do it. But instead, there was a core of "card-carrying", non-transactional members who did what was asked of them, even though they might have preferred to sit out this particular interaction.

And they beat us on the ground. There was no miracle issue, no mandate, no will of the people--they just beat us by scrapping after every loose vote in a more dogged and effective manner than we did. They just got out their vote better than we got out ours.

Part of the corrupt genius of the modern GOP has been its ability to co-opt the churches for its purposes. And churches, even in this age of transience and relocations, are still bastions of non-transactional membership. You see your fellow church-goers every week, or several times a week, and become enmeshed in a network of expectations and obligations that is far from "transactional". By leveraging off of the membership-structure of the churches, the GOP can rely on something far stronger, and far more reliable, than the "transactional" interactors .

The Dems used to have something comparable in the labor unions; thus the other aspect of corrupt GOP genius, i.e. gutting the unions.

So here's my worry.

You say "the nature of "membership" has changed and political mobilization has to change with it".

But I'm worried that the change you describe may just be a huge systemic failure of *liberal* membership organizations, and *liberal* political mobilization. We're becoming "transactional", and they're not. And if you treat this failure as the wave of the future, as something to be endorsed, you may only be making it worse.

It may be that what liberal organizations have to work out is exactly the opposite, i.e. how to revive membership of the "card-carrying" kind. The membership that will do the needed job whether it enjoys this particular job or not. I don't know how to do that--I don't know how to recreate the glory days of liberal activism--but I suspect that may be the direction in which we have to go in order to fight back effectively. And I worry that your espousal of the transactional model amounts to a unilateral disarmament.

Thanks a lot for your blog--I read it and learn from it.

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